Playing Dead & Doing Time 2020-2021

This ongoing project between Victoria and Rodolfo Piazza Pfitscher da Silva, with Ruth Kemna, digs into endings, perception and temporal progress with seriously unserious approach. Through research, residency, and performance Playing Dead & Doing Time stays grounded in the body, in humor and in collaboration throughout its various iterations.

2020 - Residency & Film - We measure time with watches and in our bodies. We see it passing in plants. Decay becomes an indicator of time, the movement towards an end. In Playing Dead & Doing Time, death is the starting point. Inside the frame of endings, this movement-based performance film looks at the interconnectedness of death and time. This first residency and film were supported by ada Studio in April 2020 and looks at tension between ‘endings’ and temporal progress by embodying postures of decay, circadian rhythms, dying and Camilla, the nyctinastic plant.

2021 - Residency & Performance - Watch full performance here. Endings, expectation, time. Passing, standing still or just arrived? Without the knowledge of a coming end, there is no sense of time as we know it. Or is it only a matter of perspective? After a 12 day residency in Sabadell ES, Playing Dead & Doing Time weaves and untangles questions of ends and decay, while considering human and non-human viewpoints in the interconnected space between death and time.

Playing Dead & Doing Time - 2021

Playing Dead & Doing Time - 2020

Concept - Victoria McConnell & Rodolfo Piazza Pfitscher da Silva

Performance - Ruth Kemna, Victoria McConnell, Rodolfo Piazza Pfitscher da Silva

Music - Ruth Kemna

Projection & Soundscape - Victoria McConnell

Costumes - Performers own

Set Design - Ruth Kemna

Live Version 2021

Film Version 2020

Photos by Edu Pineda. 2021